Be Smart About Timing Your Massage We know that fitting a massage into your busy schedule can be difficult, and nothing ruins that peaceful, relaxed feeling more than walking back into the hectic environment like work, shopping, or the gym. It's best to organize your massage so you can go home and relax afterwards. Dress For Comfort What's the best way to feel relaxed after a massage? Bring comfortable clothes to change into. If you're coming straight from work in suits and heels, bring along comfortable clothes and shoes to change into after the massage, it's sure to make the relaxed feeling last longer! Drink Plenty Of Water If there was a motto for massage therapist it would be "Drink more water!" You've heard this thousands of times, but it's SO IMPORTANT! Drinking enough water, especially in a dry climate like Colorado, is essential to good health. Water is vital for every function in our body, and necessary to maintain healthy, hydrated muscle tissue. Use Ice Or Heat As Recommended Ice is best on new injuries while heat is more effective for treating chronic muscle pain and tension. Any injury that is hot will not benefit from further heat and could cause more damage to the area, ice will help reduce inflammation and swelling. Heat will help relax tight and spasming muscles and is able to penetrate deeper than cold compresses. A combination of hot and cold can be used on chronic muscle pain or injuries. Do Your Stretching Homework! Stretching increases stamina, flexibility and blood circulation. Daily stretching will decrease your chances of injury and keep you feeling relaxed longer! Try stretching when you wake up in the morning or before bed at night. Book Your Next Appointment An occasional massage leaves you feeling amazing, but regular massage can do so much more. Regular massage gives your therapist the chance to work deeper muscles and problem areas before the superficial muscles tighten up again. With regular visits, habitual patterns of pain and tension can be relieved and your body will maintain its relaxed state. You Might Also Like
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Heather McNay
I've been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 2006. In my free time I enjoy hiking with my husband and dog. I also have a passion for cooking, baking and gardening. Archives
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