Trigger Point Therapy
Dr. Janet Travell was researching techniques to treat myofascial pain and coined the term "Trigger Point Therapy". There are varied causes which can include chronic muscle overuse, trauma to the region, or accidents (i.e. car crash, ski accident).
Trigger points only form in muscles and usually lead to pain, tenderness and stiffness. Trigger point therapy focuses on compressing the trigger points, releasing the constricted muscle and alleviating pain.
Trigger points only form in muscles and usually lead to pain, tenderness and stiffness. Trigger point therapy focuses on compressing the trigger points, releasing the constricted muscle and alleviating pain.
Why We're Different
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No Extra Cost for Deep Tissue
We know that every session is different and that you might need deep tissue and trigger point therapy one session but a relaxing Swedish massage the next. That's why we feel it's important to not charge extra for certain modalities. Your session could include Swedish, Deep Tissue, Warm Bamboo, Trigger Point Therapy, Injury massage and Aromatherapy.
3955 E Exposition Ave, Suite #212, Denver, CO 80209 720-381-4186 [email protected]